Eaton Park Crazy Golf
Price List

Here is our full price list including group and individual discounts. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult – a free seating area, with disabled access is available.

Crazy Golf
Children 8-16
Children 3-7
Group of 3
Group of 4
Group of 5
Group of 6

Further discounts are available for larger groups – such as schools, associations and corporate bookings. Please use the contact form to arrange this.

Putting Green
Group of 3
Group of 4
Group of 5
Crazy Golf + Putting Green
Group of 3
Group of 4
Group of 5


Your second round on the same course is half price!

25% off

25% off with go 4
less card*

The Go 4less card scheme is available to low income families, and students aged 16 and over who are in full time education. Card holders would be entitled to 25% discount on the full ticket price. Apply for a Go 4 Less card on the Norwich City council website.

*Not available in conjunction with any other discount.

Prize Draw

Tear off the prize draw entry slip from your scorecard for a chance to win the next round absolutely free! We’ll contact our monthly prize draw winners during the following month to let them know they’ve won and how to claim their prize.

Contact Us

For more information (or to check we’re open when the weather is taking a turn for the worse) call 07717 257536. You can also contact us by email on or use the contact form below: